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Working Tricks for more reviews and install

App market has been a place for fire-fights from the very beginning. Obvious no? There are around a million apps in Play Store alone, and there are iOS and Windows store too. In a market where there are millions of products to compete with, things can never become easy. And neither we expect it to be. You know why? Cos this will keep going on. With resources becoming accessible and prevalence of start-up culture, we are likely to witness another boom in App Store soon. 

You might have read thousands of blogs and might have gone through various websites to learn how to promote your app and lead the App Store. But we are sure that all those things might have been quite tricky or expensive. Plus its tough for a new app developer to put too much of economy in a single product and we understand that. That is why this article is meant to help all those new developers and also the top players too (if they need help 😉 ). 

In this article we will go through the working tricks to get more reviews and installs for your app. Here’s how: 

Ask Out: Let’s face it. If we go into statistics, you will notice that people generally don’t take out time to write reviews even if they liked your app. And this is true in many levels. Remember the last time you wrote an interview. You probably can’t. Similarly people don’t want to invest their time in writing reviews. But reviews are important for you. They give reviews or not. You need them. That leaves you with only option. Ask them out. Yes why not. How will they know what you want unless you ask for it? But you need to be innovative before you ask them to provide all the reviews that you need. Make sure you pitch your requirements carefully. No one wants to annoy customers and what’s more annoying than advertisements. 

Make sure you have good ratings: Before you seek out to get more installs on your app, ensure that you have good rating on your app. When people search for apps, the first thing that people see is the app ratings. Only if your app has a good rating, you can expect people to download your app. The thing is. Ratings are the reflection of your app’s performance and only after you make sure that the app rating is good, you can expect your app to lead the app store. There are many ways to ensure that your app has a good rating. You can use services from a good aso services company to get ratings for your app. You can even hire freelancers if you want to boost your drive. 

Quality: Before you get into the technicalities of app marketing, make sure that your app is up to mark. A good quality app is the first and foremost thing that you should ensure. People might look into design and UI of the app but the only thing that matters is the app content and quality. Being a developer, you should understand the importance of app quality. Try adding new and innovative things on your app. Make sure you provide regular update for your apps. Ensure stability of your app. If your app faces bugs or issues, you can never expect it to be popular amongst people. You can ask a top aso company for quality analysis of your app.

Reward your users: Yes. Asking for reviews is one thing and getting reviews is another. One of the best ways to ensure that people review your app is by rewarding them. By giving small discounts on in-app purchases, you can easily influence people to review and rate your product. The same scenario applies for app installations as well. By providing app referrals and discounted coupons, customers can be lured into downloading your app. Let’s look in a case study of Tez. This app was released by Google last year and within few months, Tez had occupied 30% of market share competing against top giants like PhonePe and PayTm. This success can be traced down to various referral and award schemes put forward to the users. This can be applied to your apps and you can make sure that you get more installs on your app. 

Competitions and bonuses: A great way of involving your users is by conducting competitions and awarding them bonuses. Say there is a competition in which you ask users to give their feedback on a particular app and in return you can award them with an extended trial period or maybe a free premium account. Basically anything you can afford. Awards can be appealing and can influence people to do what you want. This gets easier in gaming apps. You can keep a mission/stage as completing feedback for the app. There are so many ways to optimise this for your app. Only you need to be creative and yes you do need to think out of the box. 

Also make sure that your app ranks higher in app store search results for important keywords. You either do keyword research through several app intelligence tools or ask an app store optimization agency for in-depth analysis.

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